
Non-Primary Update

This is a suggestion  for a Major TF2-Update (or Updates, if this Update is separated for each class, so then these 9 <Class> Non-Primary Updates would be served separately each N months: Scout NP-Update, Spy NP-Update, etc. etc.).

It is mostly about the non-primary slots (secondary & melee).

And a possibility for the TF2-players to play some gimmicky/fun/crazy loadouts with the weapons that are considered as an additional weapons/tools, not the primary weapon to kill enemies.

That's why these loadouts could be used as already-balanced loadouts. (Exception, maybe, is the Medieval Gamemode, where these loadouts would bring an imbalance gameplay. Probably.)

Possible checkbox in the <Class> loadout menu.

But are all classes in the same category? Let's see! (There is a bit of [combinatorics]math below too.)

1.)  Some of the classes (6=5+Engineer, who will be analyzed additionally in the subsection 1a; all other 3 classes will be analyzed in the section 2; all possible issues will be discussed in the section 3) could use their secondaries/melees instead of the primary/secondary weapons.

Classes, which could use it properly without(?) a game-balancing:


The possible schemes are these:

  • 2 2 3 (secondary+secondary+melee→ s+s+m further in the text) 
  • 1 3 3 (primary+melee+melee → p+m+m further in the text)
  • 2 3 3 (secondary+melee+melee → s+m+m further in the text) [= 3 2 3, same]
  • 3 3 3 (melee+melee+melee → m+m+m further in the text).


Scout with a Pistol in the Primary Slot, Bonk! in  the Secondary slot and any Melee.

OR: Heavy with a Shotgun in Primary Slot, some Melee in the Secondary slot and another Melee in the Melee slot.

OR: Soldier with 3 Melees in all 3 slots.

- - -

How much additional possible loadouts this would add (here: 's' for the 'Secondary', 'm' for the 'Melee')?

[If some secondary/melee weapon is used, let's not count it twice/three times. Though it is optional, probably, for the Devs to add something like a 'Bonk!+Bonk!+Bat'-option too, just for the player's fun. ]

  • Scout: 7s*6s*8m/2! + 5p*8m*7m/2! + 7s*8m*7m/2! + 8m*7m*6m/3! = totally 560, plus to the existing 280 loadouts;
  • Soldier: 10s*9s*7m/2! + 8p*7m*6m/2! + 10s*7m*6m/2! + 7m*6m*5m/3! = totally 728, plus to the existing 560 loadouts;
  • Pyro: 9s*8s*9m/2! + 6p*9m*8m/2!+ 9s*9m*8m/2! + 9m*8m*7m/3! =  totally 948, plus to the existing 486 loadouts;
  • Heavy: 7s*6s*7m/2! + 5p*7m*6m/2! + 7s*7m*6m/2! + 7m*6m*5m/3! =  totally 434, plus to the existing 245 loadouts;
  • Sniper: 6s*5s*4m/2! + 7p*7m*6m/2! +   6s*4m*3m/2! + 4m*3m*2m/3! = totally 247, plus to the existing 168 loadouts;
  • Engineer(?): 3s*2s*5m/2! +6p*5m*4m/2! + 3s*5m*4m/2! + 5m*4m*3m/3! = totally 115, plus, to the existing 90 loadouts.

1a.) (?)Engineer...Well...

How to combine the  Gunslinger with other Melees? Which Sentry would be placed then? Destroy the Sentry if another Melee is chosen?! Or is it just not allowed to place another Sentry while one is already placed? Or is it allowed Mini-Sentry with a usual Sentry (this case is unbalanced!)?  

If the s+m+m, p+m+m and m+m+m schemes are excluded, then only the scheme s+s+m is the only available one (adds 15 additional loadouts).

The issue is reconsidered again in the section 3).

2.) OK. What about Demoman, Medic and Spy? Let's analyze them!

2a.)  Demoman.

He has 6 primaries, 7 secondaries and 8 melees.  But his Primary and Secondary slots aren't about 'This Grenade Launcher is the main weapon and this Sticky Launcher is not'. So...

Hmmm...probably, the possible schemes would be these:

1 1 3 (p+p+m)*

1 3 3 (p+m+m)

2 2 3 (s+s+m)*

2 3 3  (s+m+m)

3 3 3 (m+m+m)

*Questionable loadouts. Let's discuss it in the section 3 below. 

How much additional possible loadouts this would add (here: 'p' for the 'Primary', 's' for the 'Secondary', 'm' for the 'Melee')? [Not counting repeats, as before.]

6p*5p*8m/2! + 6p*8m*7m/2! + 7s*6s*8m/2! + 7s *8m*7m/2! + 8m *7m*6m/3! = totally 706, plus to the existing 336 loadouts.

2b.) Medic.

He has 4 primaries, 4 secondaries and 5 melees.

Probable schemes would be:

1 1 3 (p+p+m)*

1 3 3 (p+m+m)*

2 2 3 (s+s+m)*

2 3 3  (s+m+m)

3 3 3 (m+m+m)*

*Questionable loadouts. Let's discuss it in the section 3 below.  

How much additional possible loadouts this would add (here: 'p' for the 'Primary', 's' for the 'Secondary', 'm' for the 'Melee')? [Not counting repeats, as before.]

4p*3p*5m/2! + 4p*5m*4m/2! + 4s*3s*5m/2! + 4s *5m*4m/2! + 5m *4m*3m/3! = totally 150, plus to the existing 80 loadouts.

2c.) Spy. The  most difficult one. (The most important reason I've said at the beginning that this update could be separated for each class,  because, for example, this class combos would need a lot of testing.)

Spy has 5 secondaries (revolvers), 5 melee (knives), 3 secondary PDAs  (cloak devices) and 2 buildings (sappers) (1 primary PDA —  Disguise Kit — isn't noted here, as the similar PDAs weren't noticed for the Engineer). Each devices can be considered as primary or secondary.

How much additional...Wait a minute. How to consider all possibilities (schemes)? (Let's discuss all possible difficulties later, in the section 3, —like the possible problem "How to combine 2 cloak devices?" or "How to combine the Spycicle and another Knives?".)

Numbers —  as before — couldn't be used here for the schemes, that's why the abbr. are used (here: 's' for the 'Secondary', 'm' for the 'Melee'). 'sPDA' for the 'secondary PDA' and 'b' for 'Building'):

s + m + sPDA + b is the main in-game scheme (we don't add here a primary PDA — Disguise Kit).

So, the additional (29)schemes are these (with the description in brackets; the Disguise Kit is always available for the Spy, keep it mind, please):

  1. s + s  + sPDA + b (2 revolvers,  cloak device, sapper)  5*4*3*2 / 2! = 120/2 = 60 loadouts;
  2. m + m + sPDA + b (2 knives, cloak device, sapper)  5*4*3*2 / 2! = 120/2 = 60 loadouts;
  3. s + sPDA + sPDA + b (1 revolver, no knives, 2 cloak devices, sapper)  5*3*2*2 / 2! = 60/2 = 30 loadouts;
  4. m + sPDA + sPDA + b (no revolvers, 2 cloak devices, sapper)  5*3*2*2 / 2! = 60/2 = 30;
  5. s + sPDA + b + b (1 revolver, no knives, 1 cloak device, both sappers)  5*3*2*1 / 2! = 30/2 = 15 loadouts;
  6. m  + sPDA + b + b (1 knife, no revolvers, 1 cloak device, both sappers)   5*3*2*1 / 2! = 30/2 = 15 loadouts;
  7. s +s + s + s (4 revolvers, no knives, no cloak devices, no sappers)  5*4*3*2 / 4! = 5 loadouts;
  8. s+ s + s + m (3 revolvers, 1 knife)  5*4*3*5 / 3! = 300/6 = 50 loadouts;
  9. s + s + m +m (2 revolvers, 2 knives) → 5*4*5*4 / (2!*2!) = 400/4 = 100 loadouts;
  10. s + m +m +m (1 revolver, 3 knives)   5*5*4*3 / 3! = 300/6 = 50 loadouts;
  11. m + m + m + m (4 knives) → 5*4*3*2 / 4! = 5 loadouts;
  12. s + sPDA + sPDA + sPDA (revolver and 3 cloak devices) →  5*3*2*1 / 3! = 5 loadouts;
  13. m + sPDA + sPDA + sPDA (knife and 3 cloak devices)  5*3*2*1 / 3! = 5 loadouts;
  14. s + s + sPDA + sPDA (2 revolvers and 2 cloak devices)  5*4*3*2 / (2!*2!) = 30 loadouts;
  15. s + m + sPDA + sPDA (1 revolver, 1 knife and 2 cloak devices)  5*5*3*2 / 2! = 75 loadouts;
  16. m + m + sPDA + sPDA (2 knives and 2 cloak devices)  5*4*3*2 / (2!*2!) = 30 loadouts;
  17. s + s + b + b (2 revolvers, both sappers)  5*4*2*1 / (2!*2!) = 10 loadouts;
  18. s + m + b + b (revolver and knife, both sappers)  5*5*2*1 / 2! = 25 loadouts;
  19. m + m + b + b (2 knives, both sappers)  5*4*2*1 / (2!*2!) = 10 loadouts;
  20. s + s + s + sPDA (3 revolvers, 1 cloak device, no sappers or knives)  5*4*3*3 / 3! = 180/6 =30;
  21. s + s + m + sPDA (2 revolvers, 1 knife, 1 cloak device, no sappers)  5*4*5*3 / 2! = 300/2 = 150 loadouts;
  22. s + m + m + sPDA (1 revolver, 2 knives, 1 cloak device, no sappers)  5*4*5*3 / 2! = 300/2 = 150 loadouts;
  23. m + m + m + sPDA (3 knives, 1 cloak device, no sappers or revolvers)  5*4*3*3 / 3! = 180/6 = 30 loadouts;
  24. s + s + s + b (3 revolvers, 1 sapper, no cloak devices or knives)   5*4*3*2 / 3! = 120/6 = 20;
  25. s + s + m + b (2 revolvers, 1 knife, 1 sapper, no cloak devices)   5*4*5*2 / 2! = 200/2 = 100;
  26. s + m + m +b (1 revolver, 2 knives, 1 sapper, no cloak devices)  5*5*4*3 / 2! = 200/2 = 100;
  27. m + m + m + b (3 knives, 1 sapper, no cloak devices or revolvers)   5*4*3*2 / 3! = 120/6 = 20;
  28. sPDA + sPDA + sPDA + b (no weapons, 3 cloak devices and 1 sapper)  3*2*1*2/3! = 2;
  29. sPDA + sPDA + b + b (no weapons, 2 cloak devices and 2 sappers)  3*2*2*1/(2! * 2!) = 3.
    3 cloak devices and a Sapper

Total amount: 60 + 60 + 30 + 30 + 15+ 15 + 5+ 50 + 100 + 50 + 5 + 5+ 5 + 30 + 75 + 30 + 10 + 25 + 10 + 30 + 150 + 150 + 30 + 20 + 100 + 100 + 20 + 2 + 3 = 1215, plus to the existing 150 loadouts.

Section 3) Possible issues? Let's go class by class. (Of course, not all possible issues are listed. And not everywhere the thing '[Solvable.]' is added.)

  • All classes

Most important one: do the same category weapon share an ammunition?

(For example, 2 Flareguns for the Pyro.)

  • Scout

No issues?! Pistols + Pistols,  Pistols + 2 Bats, 2-3 Bats, drinks and throwables; all combos seem ok.

[With different charge-meters, of course. i.e. Solvable.]

  • Soldier

2 different shotguns are ok. Shotgun and some of the Banners combo is ok.

What about the 2 Banners (or 1 Banner + B.A.S.E. Jumper) combination? How are they shown on the back of the Soldier? Equip region glitch?! (Same — for the boots.)

How you gain the charge for 2 Banners and activate them? Do they combine or have 2 different charge-meters? (Possibly, 2 different.) [Solvable.]

2 Banners would lead to some imbalance (though Soldier himself doesn't have a Rocket Launcher, his team — under the effect of 2 Banners, like 2 different Soldiers activated 2 different Banners simultaneously.) 

Gunboats' effect is useless without the Rocket Launcher.

2 or 3 Melees? Pain Train would be seen as a must-have, probably.

  • Pyro


Flamethrower and 2 Melees?!

  • Demoman

«*Questionable Loadouts". Because 2 GL(Grenade Launchers) + 1 Melee or 2 SL (Sticky Launchers) + 1 Melee would be not-balanced. (How you detonate different stickies? How much of them would you have at maximum out there on the map? Do you have a separated ammo for GLs/SLs?)»

What about Shields' overlapping? [Solvable.]

  • Heavy

Seems like no possible issues.

Shotguns, eatables, different fists and melees seem ok in combos.

  • Engineer

An issue, as it was noticed before in 1a, with the Gunslinger and other Melees.

«How to combine the  Gunslinger with other Melees? Which Sentry would be placed then? Destroy the Sentry if another Melee is chosen?! Or is it just not allowed to place another Sentry while one is already placed? Or is it allowed Mini-Sentry with a usual Sentry (this case is unbalanced!)?  

If the s+m+m, p+m+m and m+m+m schemes are excluded, then only the scheme s+s+m is the only available one (adds 15 additional loadouts).»

Also — an issue with the stats of the Melees. (Posssible.)  [Solvable. Multiplication of the stats is already in-game.]

  • Medic

2 healguns? 

2 shooting weapons with no healing device (except the Crossbow)? 

3 melees with no healing devices?

  • Sniper

2 passive wearables with  the Equip Region glitch?

  • Spy

Any one of the 29 schemes, noted above, consists of possible issues (especially those 2 last ones, 'no weapons'). Need, probably, lots of tests.

How to combine 2 cloak devices? [Solvable. Additional key/mouse button.]

How to combine the Spycicle and another Knives? [Solvable. Eg., no problem at all. The player trades for it with -1 item replaced by 2nd knife.]


{SPUF} -> [Petition] [Suggestion] [Steam Pipe] Previous TF2 versions/builds are available for the players

[This is the petition and the suggestion discussion thread. Please, post a comment, not only a 'signed']
The idea is about making possible to download any past update and play on the same version of server(s). Since the Steam Pipe (when it is up) merges both TF2 and TF2 Beta being the same client, I see this option could be implemented too (if no technical difficulties*, such as "VALVe delete all the updates after the newer update is created").

This option could be available via Settings of the game (eg., click with the Right Mouse Button on the game in Library > "Choose the update > [List of updates]). Of course, the default update is the current one. If you want to play the newest version of TF2, you need to exit the game and choose (in some kind of Settings) the 'Current Build'.

For example, you download the patch from the February, 2009, which was a Scout update. No further updates and patches are available for your game (maps and weapons/cosmetic items too**). Bugs, glitches, etc. are there too, for your enjoyment. So, you downloaded the update and search for the server that has the same downloaded patch and play on it.
(If you know how the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. update system (sorry, no update news on Steam) works, you understand me clearly.)
Or the update when the game has been released. Or the patch that adds Polycount items. Or the Engineer update. Or the update when the crouch-jumping have been broken. Or the update that broke the gamemode modifications' (made by community) models customization. Or any other update you want to play on.

P.S. I am all for the productive/constructive criticism.

*It would be very-very great to have a VALVe staff comment here.
**The only thing that must not be updated is the backpack. Let me explain this note: All items that were added later are in your backpack, but they become not available for using (reminisce about how items aren't usable when you try to use any tool on them - they become grey), if they were not existing on that update. The item drop still works, adding any existing item to your backpack (but, as I said earlier, you won't be free to use them). Plus, there must be no glitches, related to items (such as painting the Cowmangler 5000 or the Pencil Pusher). No buying retired (or deleted) items, etc. No gaining promo items, etc.

Link to the thread on SPUF.



Special essence, that remakes the Pyrovision Goggles into the Halloweesion Goggles.
(Halloween / Full Moon time restriction.)
The textures on many maps are remade to present the Hell textures (burnt grass, earth, smoke everywhere, flames are going through the rifts on the ground, etc.)

P.S. Or just a separated item.


New Recipe: Switch Tokens

Slot Token < --- > Class Token
Simply done!

Possible (subjective) example of the recipes:
Some Slot Token + Same slot weapon, any Class --> the Token of this Class
Some Class Token + Same class weapon, any Slot --> the Token of this Slot

SPUF thread

"possible solution on how to make the metal even more useful"

Just imagined how it could be done (though I was thinking about the same theme* a lot, during veeery looong time):
1. Make it so that the crafted items would give any special stats on any special map / gamemode (new or old) (For example, on MvM: the crafted weapons give extra cash per destroyed bot).
2. If the item has been crafted by its owner (the person who equips it), the bonus is even bigger (or it is even changed in a quality, not just in a quantity).
This way people would have choice to buy the key and open the chest OR to craft the hat / weapon to use it with the (additional) bonuses. And the metal would have more options to be used!
(Again: on special map or in the gamemode, not during the vanilla gameplay!)

(*Of course, the item_origin and/or the item_quality could be used in some user's modification, to make the gameplay more variative. "Crafted" items (even cosmetic ones) could have 1 kind of bonus, and the items "Found in crate", or "Gifted", would have another bonus, in very specific gamemode and map. On that special map, even hats would give special bonuses to their wearer.)

Source (my post in the thread "Let's talk: Keys", on SPUF)


Anti "Sniper vs Spy" update.

[Alright, time to go out of my own shadow and continue my <bitten by raccoons> blog.]
Here you go for the details : http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9714
«Retired» hats. The only way to obtain them: trading, <marketing soon?>, uncrating crates (but not the unusual.

Here is a table (FYI):
  • DEMOMAN’S FRO — Crates ## 7, 10
  • FOOTBALL HELMET — Crate #21*
  • MINING LIGHT — Crate #28*
  • TROPHY BELT — Crate #8
  • FANCY FEDORA — Crate #24*
Also, the BATTER'S HELMET is the only hat, which is a crafting ingredient.

Plus, Portal 2 Crossover hats: PYRO'S BEANIE, FANCY FEDORA.

*Crates numbered #19+ contain Strange weapons.
  • #21: GRU, Shotgun, Minigun, Natascha; Hound Dog (nv)
  • #24: Ambassador, Conniver's Kunai, Knife, Revolver; Private Eye
  • #28: Shotgun, Frontier Justice, Jag, Wrench; Safe'n'Sound (nv)

Okay, let's check other crates:
  1. #10: 3 Paints (Ind.Green, Zeph.Greed, Noble Violet), Expert's Ordnance set
  2. #11: 3 Paints (Color 216, A Deep Purple, Orange), Medieval Medic set
  1. #7: Chargin Targe, Direct Hit, Bushwcka; Dr.Dapper Topper, Rimmed Raincatcher, Milkmn; Desc.Tag, Team Spirit
  2. #8: FAN, Bonk!, Huntsman; Horrible Headsplitter, Cadaver's Cranium, Fez; Dueling Mini-Game, Gift Wrap

 I liked this update because of few reasons: 
A. Community reaction(s) (it is similar to the reaction to the hats' implementation, but I can't proof my words because those threads have been archieved by Limbo). Just some of the links:
B. The thoughts about TF2 cosmetic items and about the ways to obtain them are changed (these items are limited now, not infinitive, as everybody was thinking before).
C. The giant stock of the Refined metal now has its first purpose (craftcraftcraft, while you can). (Trading Conspirators could think here that the price of the metal will go up again...)
D. Mann Co Store flooded by players' money these 2 weeks (Yes, I'm happy that the game I love has more money for its future|longer existence).
E. Possible new features (such as: re-implementing these hats, with a slightly changed models; including these hats into new crates; making them tradeable via Steam Market; adding new item_quality; crafting "retired" hat with the random unusual hat to have the "retired" unusual hat, etc.), related to this "retirement".

My two words about this "update" (it will be 2 weeks later): I would like to have an option to gain these hats via: random item for each spent $20 bought items in Mann Co <Online> Store; random Duel Win item; random unusual uncrated; Secret Saxton random gift.